March 16, 2009

ThinkThru This Week’s Blog Snog

The Glamourai loved Marni’s necklaces just as much as I did. Her DIY version is ridiculously impressive.
Already Pretty uses brooches for her sparkling DIY-and provides a step-by-step how-to guide.
Fashionista shares my desire for jeans that don’t need hemming.
Red Carpet Fashion Awards caught Posh in ridiculously fierce LV heels.
Refinery29 shows the animals at Fashion Week.
Frugal Fashionista goes gray for under $100.
College Fashion breaks down coupons and sales.
Threadbanger makes zippers bloom.
The Budget Fashionista says wigging can save you money.
Mystyle gives a Shout-Out to Lucy Liu for her stunning Rachel Roy dress.
Stylehive finds temporary ways to spice up your walls.
OMG! Heathers is heading to Broadway. Talk about some serious 80s fashion.
Slaves To Fashion gives us a sneak peek of the new American Ab Fab. Loved the UK version.

Photo credit: Star Pulse

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1 Comment

  1. Sal commented:

    Woo hoo! Thanks for the shout-out!

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