April 10, 2009

ThinkThru This Photo: Barbie Turns 50

Barbie Turns 50My aunt sent me a hilarious email this morning. It read, “Barbie Turns 50! It’s about time this happened to her…”

Yes, it’s a funny photo. But upon closer look, I realized overweight Barbie is on her laptop. So this holiday weekend, get off the computer for a while. Go for a hike with your dog; take your kids to the park; go for a bike ride; and if it’s too cold where you live, just walk around the mall and window shop. Too lazy to go out? Go through your closet and try to make outfits using pieces you haven’t worn yet this season. Then just fill out this form explaining how you thought thru fashion and I must just feature you on the blog as a ThinkThru Fashionista!

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