July 18, 2009

ttF Daily Fave: Rampage Ramira Rosette Sandal

Rampage Ramira SandalIf you’re not familiar with Shop It To Me, you need to join pronto. It’s a personal online shopper that alerts you whenever something you might be interested goes on sale—which is especially great in this economy. They have a zillion brands to choose from and you can receive updates as frequently as you like (since I have awful will power when it comes to shopping deals, I chose a weekly alert).

I was checking out Shop It To Me’s blog today and discovered these adorable Rampage Ramira rosette sandals ($45 $29.99). They’re not floral masterpieces like the Valentino purses I’m still lusting over, but they’re too adorable to pass up.

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1 Comment

  1. Kloe commented:

    I have those shoes in black!

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