Another reason I heart Heidi Klum? She loves Halloween as much as I do! I just ran across the supermodel’s top ten costume tips . Enjoy!
Heidi Klum’s Top 10 Halloween Costume Ideas
1. Sexy cat. You can make a cat costume yourself with a few things. Get a leotard and some fabric paint at places like Pearl Paint ( or Michaels ( Then you can paint cat patterns right onto the leotard to make it more interesting. Buy a dog collar with a tag and put a fun message on it. For example, when I was a cat in 2007, I put “If lost, please return to Seal.” You can also buy cat ears and a fake tail that can be attached with a few stitches or a safety pin. Add in some sexy high heels or boots. Really go for it and paint your face like a sexy city cat. Don’t forget the whiskers!
2. Vampire. I love wearing fangs! Especially when they have blood dripping down them. If you really want good fangs, think ahead and ask your dentist if he can make you some. That’s what I did and they fit your teeth perfectly! I take good care of them so I can wear them year after year. Also, play with changing your look. If you are blond, go and get a great black wig. You can find one at Bob Kelly Wigs in NYC (212.819.0030) or Ricky’s ( It’s good to invest in one amazing element of your costume. Wigs, especially, make a difference! It also helps you get into character. See Heidi in her full vampire costume >
3. Bumble Bee. I think someone who wears a bumble bee costume has a good sense of humor. Get a yellow and black striped shirt and tights and squeeze yourself into some black little hot pants. Since you’re wearing tights, it’s okay to go super short on the hot pants! Add some super high heels. Next, buy little yellow round bumble bee wings and get antennas with yellow balls that bounce around when you move. Get super long black fake lashes and start your makeup early enough so you have time to put them on! It’s not easy even for me! When you put the glue on the strip of lashes, let the glue dry a bit. When you do that and place them on your lash line, they don’t slide around as much and will place easier. Maybe add some sparkles around your eyes. I’m always about great makeup and sparkles — they make the look fun and special.
4. Bride of Frankenstein. Make sure you don’t look like a real bride because that’s boring! Plus, it will scare of some guys! You can singe the veil a little bit and rip the dress so you really look like you come from the dead. Make it look old and dirty with some black, brown and grey paint. Stay pretty but a bit scary and white in the face. Put on lots of lashes and mascara! When you’re adding the mascara and it’s still wet, blink your eyes really hard so you smudge it all around your eyes. It’s really effective! It’s also cool to add some grey or white contact lenses that you can get at Ricky’s or a costume shop. You can find amazing dresses and veils at thrift shops. The amazing thing about creating your own costume is that you can be sure no one else has the same!
5. Angel. I have seen some really great Victoria’s Secret Angel costumes over the years! If you feel good in your body and want to show it off, GO FOR IT! Lingerie, wings and long angelic hair make the look. And don’t forget the heels! Get body glimmer for your entire body. Wear lots of lashes and add fairy dust around your eyes and on top of your cheeks.
6. Superhero (Wonder Woman). This costume you can find at most Halloween stores but you can make it your own a bit by getting a really great wig. I always like getting a wig that’s opposite of my hair color because it really throws people off. Great makeup and a major push-up bra work. Maybe even an extra push-up so you have the Wonder Woman curves!
7. Spray Painted Body Art. My friend David Kirsch does this every year. He’s been a leopard, Captain America and Spiderman. Peter Brown (917.723.8070), who is based in New York City, hand paints every inch of his body! It’s a tough one to pull off and could be a little chilly in October, but when done right, it’s spectacular. And let’s hope it doesn’t rain!
8. Police Officer. My husband surprised me a few years ago at my Halloween party by ‘raiding’ the place and restoring order. There’s something about a man in a uniform. To be really in character, you have to get all the fun knick knacks a cop has. Hand cuffs are super important for that!
9. Flapper. A flapper costume is totally classic and yes, it’s period, but it can also have a cool modern flavor to it. The best thing to do here is go to a thrift store and find a dress. It’s amazing what you can find there. Make a fun headband from a chain. You can wear a wig or put your hair up in rollers for a curly look. Get some fishnet stalking and super high heels to finish off the look!
10. Clown. Pink came to my party last year and had on an amazing clown costume. The good thing about a clown is that you can mix and match and be creative. Wear a fun tutu from the thrift shop with a colorful blazer. Even better if you can find one with sequins! Have a fun color, polka dot or flower bra under it that can peek out a bit. Then go for it with your face! You can paint stars and hearts in all different colors. Definitely don’t forget to wear the red afro and red nose!
Basically, my one piece of advice is: really go for it!
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Great choice. It is so pity that the next Halloween is so far…
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wow amzaing makeup
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