November 20, 2009

ttF Daily Fave: Demistache Movember Necklaces

Demistasse Jewelry Demistache Movember NecklacesThe pink ribbon is to Breast Cancer Month as the Demistache is to Movember.

Haven’t heard of Movember? Yeah, me either until I got a press release about these adorable moustache-inspired necklace designed by Rachael White that have a fan base including the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Isla Fisher. They’re the official sponsors of Movember, which is a global initiative that raises awareness and funds for prostate and testicular cancer.

Through January 1, Demistasse Jewelry will donate $8 from every Demistache sale to the cause. And they’re pretty reasonable in price, ranging from the $38 basic Urban Demistache to the crystal-studded $68 ones. Or, if you feel like splurging, you could always go for the diamond encrusted Mini Nietzsche version!

The best part about this facial hair aside from being charitable? It’s never itchy and there’s not need to shave.

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