February 6, 2010

ttF Fashion Diary: Chain Reaction

ttF Fashion Staples Series February 6

ttF Fashion Staples Series Diary: Chain Reaction
Tonight I attended Traver Rains’ The Ranch LA Exhibit presented by Gaudy PR. Traver, who is the co-designer of Heatherette with Richie Rich, was debuting a new line of t-shirts and showing his impressive photography skills. One side of the room featured his Montana series of models is stunning clothing shot in his home state (Traver’s brother even handmade the remarkable wood frames.)

My outfit ended up matching the other side of the room, filled with more provocative photographs of naked cowboys and a sexed up Aubrey O’Day.

Forever 21 dress, coat and Slatted Peeptoe Pump, Cole Haan bag, vintage necklace worn as a belt

Fashion Staples Used: Gray Shift Dress

ttF Fashion Staples Series February 6

ttF Fashion Staples Series February 6

ttF Fashion Staples Series February 6

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