November 27, 2012

The Scene: Holiday Cookie Decorating

(with hostess Kelly, the setup, decorating time, my best cookie design, tutu mania, with Kelly, Shauna and Andrea, with Devon, the decor, A.SweeT candy)

Anytime a party revolves around a theme you can RSVP me yes. So imagine my excitement when one of my blogger besties, Kelly of Kelly GoLightly, sent out holiday invites with an ultra girlie dress code. I immediately broke out my tutu (you might remember it from last January’s Staples Series) and put on my party shoes. Actually, I waited until I got to Kelly’s house for my shoes.

Sole Society sponsored the cookie decorating afternoon, gifting each blogger with festive footwear. I chose Liana from my virtual closet. I liked how the booties added contrast to the tulle, especially when mixed with a classic button-down. Since candy colors were encouraged, I added a peach and crystal necklace from Forever 21 and a sparkly army party mixed with a candy bracelet from A.SweeT boutique and new wish bracelet from Rossmore, who co-hosted the fête.

For every shoe purchased this week, Sole Society is also donating a pair to Soles4Souls. Speaking of giving back, have you heard of #GivingTuesday? Make sure to donate to your fave charity today!

And a huge thank you to the hostess with mostess. Check out her faboo blog post for more on the stylish soiree!

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  1. Kelly Golightly commented:

    You are the bee’s knees and looked divine!!! Thanks for coming, sugar plum!!!

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  2. Stephanie J. commented:

    I love your site for not only fashion inspiration, but party inspiration! What a life 🙂 You and Kelly look gorgeous! And I LOVE those booties! ~Steph/OtioselyYours

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    • Sydne commented:

      Aw, thank you Stephanie J!

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