(with hostess Kelly, the setup, decorating time, my best cookie design, tutu mania, with Kelly, Shauna and Andrea, with Devon, the decor, A.SweeT candy)
Anytime a party revolves around a theme you can RSVP me yes. So imagine my excitement when one of my blogger besties, Kelly of Kelly GoLightly, sent out holiday invites with an ultra girlie dress code. I immediately broke out my tutu (you might remember it from last January’s Staples Series) and put on my party shoes. Actually, I waited until I got to Kelly’s house for my shoes.
Sole Society sponsored the cookie decorating afternoon, gifting each blogger with festive footwear. I chose Liana from my virtual closet. I liked how the booties added contrast to the tulle, especially when mixed with a classic button-down. Since candy colors were encouraged, I added a peach and crystal necklace from Forever 21 and a sparkly army party mixed with a candy bracelet from A.SweeT boutique and new wish bracelet from Rossmore, who co-hosted the fête.
For every shoe purchased this week, Sole Society is also donating a pair to Soles4Souls. Speaking of giving back, have you heard of #GivingTuesday? Make sure to donate to your fave charity today!
And a huge thank you to the hostess with mostess. Check out her faboo blog post for more on the stylish soiree!
You are the bee’s knees and looked divine!!! Thanks for coming, sugar plum!!!
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I love your site for not only fashion inspiration, but party inspiration! What a life 🙂 You and Kelly look gorgeous! And I LOVE those booties! ~Steph/OtioselyYours
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Aw, thank you Stephanie J!
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