May 22, 2014

The Scene: OId Navy Fall Preview

Sydne-Style-Old-Navy-fall-preview-fall-in-love-with-old-navy-striped-outfit-ideas-crops-chanel Last week I headed to NYC to attend Old Navy‘s fall preview. Their tagline is Fall in love with Old Navy. And boy did I! I spent the evening with my girl Grace, taking pics of our favorite pieces. Here’s a little sneak peek…

Sydne Style Old Navy fall preview showroom nyc fall in love with old navy.jpg(adorable graphic tees, the cutest hats, delish deserts, #oldnavystyle photos)

One of the biggest hits of the night was the Holy Chic graphic tee. I can’t wait to get my hands on it soon! Oh and cats are totally the new dogs. There was kitty gear galore from leopard prints to a cat t-shirt that I’ll definitely be buying for my niece. My personal faves were the hats! The floppy styles are too good… and come in tan, black and wine.

Sydne-Style-Old-Navy-fall-preview-fall-in-love-with-old-navy-striped-outfit-ideas-floppy-hatSydne Style Old Navy fall preview showroom nyc fall in love with old navy cat shirt NY hat denim jacket diy ps I made this.jpg(DIY denim, purr-fect kids gear, NY selfies, the cutest polka dot skirt)

As for what I wore? I combined my day and night look from my pastel crops post. Apparently Grace got the striped memo too! It got a little chilly in the city so we borrowed gear that’s coming out soon: a quilted leather trim jacket for her and an athletic bomber for me. Later in the evening we got to DIY our own Old Navy denim jacket with Erica from P.S. I Made This. And munch on the most delish s’mores. As much as I adore summer, I can’t wait for Fall!

Sydne-Style-Old-Navy-fall-preview-fall-in-love-with-old-navy-striped-outfit-ideas-grace-atwood-stripes-and-sequinsTop: Old Navy
Jacket: Old Navy (coming out this fall!)
Jeans: Old Navy
Necklaces: Stella & Dot
Bag: Chanel
Shoes: Steve Madden

This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at

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