June 25, 2014

The Scene: Brahmin Factory Tour

Sydne-Style-Brahmin-Factory-tour-french-connection-printed-dress-black-and-white-trend-neon-green-the-dean-hotel-providence-rhode-islandThere are certain brands you try once and instantly form an addiction. That’s been my experience with Brahmin. I discovered the handbag line during fashion week last year and since then can’t stop wearing them! So I was thrilled when they invited me to tour their factory in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Having gone to Tufts for college, Boston holds a dear place in my heart. So I hopped a plane to Logan, and drove down to meet the Brahmin team for a fun-filled day with my blogger babes Grace and Jess.

Brahmin is a family-owned company that started in 1982. What’s so cool is that the founders, Joan and Bill Martin, treat everyone like family, from the factory workers to us, the bloggers on tour. We started off in the design department, learning about the inspiration for Fall 2014. It’s all about the bohemian voyageur, a fabulous fashionista who travels the world in rich textures and colors. Being such a fan of color, I instantly fell in love with the bold blue and red leathers Brahmin created for the season.

Sydne Style Brahmin Factory Tour stripes and sequins prosecco and plaid handbag designs.jpg

Next we saw the bags come to life in paper form. Since everything is in house, a designer’s dream can turn into a sample in just a day! It was incredible seeing the paper bags transition into gorgeous leather in the factory. We got a peek of the incredible craftsmanship that goes into each handbag from how the leather is cut to how the trims are dyed and even how the new products are tested in quality control.

Sydne Style Brahmin Factory Tour fairhaven massachusetts paper bags.jpg

The coolest part of the tour was getting to make our own bracelets. I was overwhelmed by the plethora of fabric, finally choosing a mix of black and white prints that complimented my outfit. We cut the fabric and left with the cutest custom bangles! They’re perfect for layering together and with other bracelets, too!

Sydne Style Brahmin factory tour leather bracelets scott martin leopard.jpg

We ended the day getting a sneak peek of the Fall collection. My two favorite bags are the satchels, one in blue and the other in black debossed leather. I can’t wait to wear them at fashion week!

Sydne Style Brahmin Factory Tour fall 2014 handbag preview cobalt black embossed leather mannequins.jpg

Speaking of fashion, touring a factory is tricky when figuring out what to wear. A printed shift dress kept me cool while still chic and wedges were perfect for walking around all day. While I arrived with one bag, I ended up swapping with Jess. How adorbs is her piped purse?!

Sydne-Style-Brahmin-Factory-tour-french-connection-printed-dress-black-and-white-trend-neon-greenSydne-Style-Brahmin-Factory-tour-french-connection-printed-dress-black-and-white-trend-neon-green-piped-handbag-new-englandSydne-Style-Brahmin-Factory-tour-french-connection-printed-dress-black-and-white-trend-neon-green-Dress: French Connection
Bag: Brahmin
Sunnies: Express
Bracelets: Stella & Dot and DIY Brahmin
Shoes: LOFT

Thank you to the Brahmin team for such and incredible day! 
For more pics follow #brahminfactorytour on Instagram

– Shop my current Brahmin faves –

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1 Comment

  1. Love your recap Sydne! What a fun day, so thankful we all got to be a part of it! Can’t wait to see you at fashion week. I think you need the Lady Ophelia in white, that bag looks good on you!

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