7 days. 15 shows. 10 outfits. Here’s a roundup of all my looks from New York Fashion Week. I hope all of you are having a great weekend! I’m super excited because we’re just editing the first few episodes of the A-Z Trend Guide for Fall/Winter and I can’t wait to share them!
Check back this week for the hottest trends and a brand new video. Want a sneak peek? Follow me on Instagram at @sydnesummer. We’re using the hashtag #sstrendguide for the series.
– Shop My NYFW Faves –
Almost impossible to choose a favorite!
Heidi D.
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I seriously can’t choose just one but I do LOVE #2,6,7,8,9, & 10. Also I can’t wait to see your fall trend videos for new outfit ideas 🙂
Dayi’s Sense of Style
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