I often get asked on Instagram how I stay fit. So I try to sprinkle in fitness posts here and there to share my tips. Since I’ve barely been home the past few months, I’ve teamed up with Old Navy Active today to chat about travel. When you’re on vacay, working out is probably the last thing you want to do. But eating is certainly a top three. Since I’m not a gym person, I try to incorporate fitness into a way of sightseeing whenever I’m on holiday.
Taking a long walk or jog is a great way to see a new city while working off last night’s dinner. When I was in Australia it was an absolute must for me to work out. Having an Italian boyfriend means going home for the holidays is all about eating the most delicious food. Luckily, my fab fitness girl Daina was on hand to make sure I could indulge and still fit into my awards season dresses when I returned home.
My favorite jog we did was The Bondi to Cogee walk. It goes along the coast so you can see all the eastern beaches. It’s amazing how much easier it is to workout when there’s such stunning scenery! It’s summer time in Sydney right now so we used Old Navy’s GoDry Tanks to stay cool. On bottom, we did the Compression Capris, which suck you in while still having just the right amount of stretch.
For more of a workout, Daina had me stop along the way to do a few quick exercises to target the core. I hope her tips help you the next time you’re on vacation!
Opposite arm and leg lifts
Start on your hands and your knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Look at the ground in between your hands and tuck your chin in slightly, so that your back is flat and straight, and pull your abdominal muscles in but don’t arch your back. Extend one arm and the opposite leg. Really stretching from the tip of your finger tip to the end of your big toe. Hold for a few breaths, maintaining your body’s alignment. Come back to starting position and switch sides.
Sit ups
Try doing sit ups with a partner by having them hold your toes down. You can start with your hands crossed over your chest and lift your body all the way up to a seated position and lower back to the ground in a controlled manner. To make it harder, you can start with your arms fully extended and as you sit up reach to your partner’s hands, like the photo.
Partner Leg Throws
Lie down at your partner’s feet and firmly grip their ankles. Lift your legs straight up into the air towards your partner’s face. Your partner will then throw your legs away hard. Don’t let your feet touch the ground and bring your legs back up as quickly as possible. Keep your abdominals braced throughout.
The Plank (or Hover)
You can do this exercise on your knees and progress to your toes. Keep your abs pulled in but don’t lift your hips. Your body should be in a long line from the crown of your head to your heels. Hold for as long as you can.
*Bonus: this exercise helps alleviate back pain, which is perfect for after a long day of travel!
Tops: Old Navy Go Dry & Burnout Tanks
Pants: Old Navy Rib Knit & Compression Capris
Sports Bras: Old Navy Adjustable Strap & Active
Sunnies: Express
Sneakers: Nike
See more of my travel on Instagram @sydnesummer #sydneinsydney and follow Daina at @herfitlife for more fitness tips!
This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at oldnavy.com.
Motivated to work-out more after seeing this post! Thanks for the exercise tips!
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What an inspiring post. I need to start. I also need to do what your tshirt says. 😉
Hope you enjoyed your 3 day weekend! I so needed it.
Instagram: @stylishlyinlove:disqus
Twitter: @stylishlyinlove:disqus
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