*Catch new eps every Tuesday & Thursday*
Thank you for all your sweet comments on the return of the Sydne Style A-Z Trend Guide. I read each and every one of them and it makes me so happy that you love the series! In case you’re new, the A-Z Trend Guide is all about helping you wear the hottest trends of the season. First I bring you all 26 trends on the runway (check out the guide here). Then every Tuesday and Thursday I show how you can wear them at home. Today, B is for…. Ballerina. Check out two ways I’m wearing the trend in the video above.
Want to be featured as our Trend Girl of the week?
Share how you wear the trend on Instagram tagging @sydnesummer #sstrendguide
We’re posting our top pick weekly on Facebook and the Newsletter!
Top: Victoria’s Secret (similar) /Skirt: Kohl’s LC Lauren Conrad / Necklace: Kendra Scott / Ring: Kendra Scott / Shoes: Shoedazzle
Top: Diane von Furstenberg / Jeans: Koral / Necklace: vintage / Ring: Gorjana / Shoes: Steve Madden
(On Rack) Skirt: French Connection (similar) / Shoes: Tieks
– Click here to see how the A-Z Trends were shown on the runway –
For more inspiration on how to wear the trends, check out my Spring Street Style Pinterest board!
The stripe wrap top is absolutely gorgeous, so classy and chic at the same time!
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And so soft too!
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Both Ballerina outfits look adorbs on you!! Happy belated Birthday too!
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Thanks Suzy!
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