December 29, 2015

How To Wear the Zoo Trend

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I can’t believe it’s finally here! Today is the last episode of this season’s A-Z Trend Guide. Z is for… Zoo! Basically everything animal is in for the season. There were so many fun animal motifs at fashion week from oversize zebras on sweater to skirts covered with a large tiger. Animal prints are also still in style and anything goes whether it’s more classic leopard or daring snakeskin. Here are two cozy outfit ideas I came up with. I hope you like the video and I can’t wait to make more videos for you in the New Year! Now that the Trend Guide is over let me know what types of videos you want to see!

Shop the Zoo Animal Trend

Sydne Style - Z is for Zoo - Los Angeles fashion blogger Sydne Summer shows cute penguin sweaters from LOFT {outfit #1} LOFT / Pants: old but similar here / Boots: old but similar here

Sydne Style - Z is for Zoo - Los Angeles fashion blogger Sydne Summer does Kate Moss celebrity style for less with a leopard fur jacket {outfit #2} Jacket: Wyldr (similar) / Top: Mad Over You / Necklace: Kendra Scott / Jeans: Express / Boots: Sol Sana (similar)

– See how the all the trends were worn on the RUNWAY

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