May 3, 2018

New Giveaways for My #ssInstaFam

Sydne Style shares the best blogger weekly instagram giveaways - enter to winIt’s been a while since we chatted about my #ssInstaFam giveaways. So I wanted to recap today in case you missed it or you’re new to the Sydne Style Fam.

As a thank you for all your support, I do weekly giveaways over on Instagram (I’m @sydnesummer in case we’re not friends yet). Every week, I choose a new winner and send them a package of goodies filled with products from my favorite beauty, fashion and home brands. You can click here to see what past winners have won!


Every time I post an Instagram, leave a comment within the first hour of me posting.

  • It makes it easier if you turn on post notifications so Instagram alerts you when I post (here’s how).
  • The more Instagram photos you comment on, the greater your chances are of winning!

When you comment, let me know what you think about my photos, tell me a little bit about yourself, ask me questions…. the purpose of these giveaways is both a thank you and a way we can get to know each other better!


You must be following me on Instagram (@sydnesummer) in order to be eligible to win a giveaway. The giveaways are open to everyone 18 and over worldwide.

More Prizes to Win!

In addition to my weekly #ssInstaFam giveaways, I partner with brands I love to bring you more prizes! Directions on how to enter these are always included in the caption of my Instagram photo. These randomly pop up but here’s a preview of what’s happening now and what’s to come…

  •  This week: Win a $100 gift card for you AND a $100 gift card for your bestie from Soma Intimates {CLICK HERE to enter}
  • Next week: Win a $100 Votivo gift card to stock up on yummy candles and diffusers

I’m so grateful that you allow me to do what I love every day. So thank you for all your support and I hope these giveaways make you as happy as you make me!

Sydne Style shares the best giveaways to win on Instagram with weekly prizes

Shop My Pajamas

Leave a Comment


  1. GJordan commented:


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  2. Weekly giveaways? Wow! That’s super generous!

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  3. Christy DuBois commented:

    It is super generous. Do you ever do anything for your blog subscribers that have been following for years or one week ?
    I know that a lot of people do not like Instagram. Just a little tidbit.
    I enjoy your style and your blog.

    Notice: Undefined variable: comment_ID in /home/nginx/domains/ on line 30
  4. Francine commented:

    I have been following you for years on your website and utube trend guide. I do not do Instagram that well. The pj are beautiful

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  5. Jackie Wampler commented:

    I have been following you now for several months ! I love seeing your daily posts , pics ect…. have you ever shared how you started your career? Would love for you to share one day in your posts! When also will you be doing another giveaway 💞 also do you just randomly open your posts up for Q&A ?😊

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