August 9, 2011

Ask Sydne: How Do I Get Your Hair Color?

Sydne Summer Hair Colorist Kim VoMy hair is medium/dark brown and I have never colored it before. Your hair color is beautiful! It’s what I had in mind for myself, so I was wondering how dark your hair is naturally and what you ask for in the styling chair. —Kristina

Thank you, Kristina! My hair is naturally dark brown as well. But for the past year I have been seeing the fabulous Kim Vo, who has transformed it into a rich caramel color. I stopped by his Beverly Hills salon for some highlights and the hair color 411.

“Caramel is so hot right now,” Kim tells me while applying thin highlights to my hair. “Everything is warm.”

Since I don’t have time to sit at the salon every couple of weeks, Kim does ombré in a way where it looks sun-kissed like you just got back from a beach vacation. That way it doesn’t require a big commitment. “Keep the base richer,” he explains. Then, when it comes to highlights, “just add a shade above the natural color.”

Kim uses L’Oreal INOA, which is an ammonia free color that doesn’t hurt the hair. He also has a trick if you’re going to attempt at home. “Do a semi-permanent at home two shades lighter than your natural color,” he recommends. “That way you release a little color without damage.”

Do you have a fashion or beauty question? Ask me in the comments below or just fill out this form.

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