April 16, 2014

E! News: Office Chic

Sydne-Style-e-news-what-to-wear-to-work-stripes-loft-leather-catt-sadler-jason-kennedyThink you can’t wear leather or sheer to the office? Think again! Today I popped into E! News to chat with Catt Sadler and Jason Kennedy about office taboos and breaking fashion rules. Make sure to watch the segment tonight on E! at 7pm & 11:30pm.

I had such a fun time on set with my gorgeous models and the lovely E! producer Kathryn—how adorbs is her Topshop skirt! (the flippy version is online).


As for the segment, here’s what everyone wore…

Sydne Style office wear e news everything hauler loft stripes shorts suit sheer.jpgThe Shorts Suit on Rachael of Everything Hauler
Jacket: LOFT / Shorts: LOFT / Shirt: LOFT / Necklace: LOFT / Shoes: LOFT

Sheer on Tatiana of Sweet Tatas
Shirt: Express / Necklace: Express / Pants: Express / Bracelets: Capwell / Bag: Henri Bendel

Sydne Style office wear e news leather metallics good bad fab.jpgLeather on Jenny of Good Bad and Fab
Shirt: H&M / Jacket: H&M / Skirt: H&M / Bag: Brahmin / Bracelet: Bauble Bar / Shoes: Shoedazzle

Metallics on Amber of Every Once in A Style
Shirt: H&M / Skirt: H&M / Necklace: Stella & Dot / Bag: Brahmin / Shoes: Steve Madden

Sydne-Style-how-to-wear-a-leather-skirt-striped-jacket-loft-petites-e-news-outfitsAnd as for me… I mixed leather, stripes and lace!
Jacket: LOFT / Shirt: Express / Skirt: H&M / Bracelet: Stella & Dot / Earrings: Stella & Dot / Shoes: Ivanka Trump

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