July 25, 2017

The Truth About What Really Goes On When Taking an Instagram Photo

Sydne Style shares how to get the perfect instagram photoMy friend Jacey came up with most clever blog post the other week. She shared funny stories about the behind the scenes of some of her favorite Instagram photos. They always say to remember that Instagram is a highlights reel. Everyone puts their best images up for show. And often, those images are taken solely for the purpose of an Instagram like.

I thought about some of my photos, and what really went on when snapping the images. So I wanted to share some funny stories, some not so glamorous moments and why, sometimes, doing it for the Gram is more worth it than you’d ever expect…

Sydne Style shares instagram photo bloopers from fashion bloggersThis one of my favorite shoots. I had rose petals left over from the hotel bed and I thought it would be beautiful to toss on the balcony. After we got the shot I started hearing commotion down below. I looked on the street and saw people smiling up at me. Doing it for the Gram brought joy to strangers who witnessed the Parisian skies rain with flowers.

Sydne Style shares funny stories behind instagram photos from fashion bloggersClearly I like throwing things in the air. This time it wasn’t planned. I originally wanted a photo walking with a big bouquet of 17 balloons to kick off 2017. I didn’t realize, however, that helium doesn’t always last overnight. When I took the balloons out of my car the following day for our shoot they were deflated. The solution? Toss them into the air! We got one shot before the wind swept them away onto the streets of Beverly Hills.

Sydne Style shares what its really like for bloggers taking Instagram photosI was helping my photographer out with a shoot for one of her clients and had brought my new pumps for her to snap on set. There was the chicest bathtub in the studio so I pulled up my dress, slipped on my shoes and hopped in. It was totally worth it. Christian Louboutin regrammed my pic!

Sydne Style shares behind the scenes of Instagram photos in the snowBack to throwing things in the air… a snowstorm hit hard during fashion week this year. It was so beautiful that I knew I wanted an Instagram photo covered in snow. Being a LA girl, I completely forgot how freezing that pretty white powder can be! My hands turned bright red after two takes and we had to run up to the room to thaw out before shooting any more photos.

Sydne Style shares behind the scenes of Instagram photosThis photo was from a warmer day in New York. It was raining so we decided to move our shoot inside. I was obsessed with the hotel’s bathroom so I tried my best to wedge myself onto the windowsill. It was brutally uncomfortable but it’s one of my favorite shots to date.

Sydne Style shares funny stories behind Instagram photosThis was another uncomfortable moment. On a trip to Cabo, my friend Naty and I decided we needed an infinity pool photo. The problem? We’re both so short that we couldn’t stand in the deep end. We first tried kneeling on the underwater seats. Big mistake! It left bruises. We finally figured out how to lean on the edge to get the shot.

Sydne Style shares funny stories on blogger extremes for Instagram photosBack in LA at the beach, I brought along my new summer accessories to take some Instagram photos on the sand. I think I took about 30 pics while trying to get all the details and the Beach Please saying in frame. On the last take, there was a huge wave. My phone got wet and my towel was soaked. I had to share my friend’s beach blanket the rest of our day.

Sydne Style shares what bloggers do for an instagram photoWhenever I’m traveling I always seem to find a dog during my photo shoots. At a winery in Jackson, there were three adorable pups. I didn’t realize this guy had just jumped into the river before I called him over. He shook water all over me, I screamed in laughter and then kept him next to me on the wet dock to get the shot.

Sydne Style shares instagram photos behind the scenes on pool floatsSometimes people get annoyed when you ask them to take an Instagram photo for you. Other times it turns into a game. When my nieces and nephew were visiting a couple of weeks ago, I asked my oldest niece to take a photo for me in the pool. The rest of the trip she became my photographer. The cutest was at Disneyland when she was happy to let me use her cotton candy as a prop as I long as I promised not to eat it while she snapped my pic.

Do you have any funny stories on times you did it for the Gram?

Photos by Michelle, Falcon, Hana, Naty, my mom and niece, Caroline

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1 Comment

  1. Kate commented:

    These are amazing pictures, they deserve more than just being in the Instagram feed. I always print out the best moments so that they are always in my mind. In addition, you can make not only an album with photos, but also cool frames and much more, I found a lot of cool ideas from these guys

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