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I was so moved by the Golden Globes. It was incredible to see fashion make such an impact, with women uniting in solidarity wearing all black. So I wanted to do a post with some blogger babes that inspire me to show how you can wear the all black trend in real life. Like Nicole Kidman said, when she accepted her award…
“Wow, the power of women.”
The key to making an all black outfit work is to play with texture. Mix chunky knits with sleek leather. Or contrast ladylike elements with with tougher accessories. It’s all about mixing it up when you’re wearing one color head-to-toe.
All Black Outfits by: Brooklyn Blonde I Kyrzada I Memorandum I DTK Austin I Hello Fashion Blog
Your jacket and boots are superb and you’re rocking this edgy combo!
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It was amazing to see how much of an influence fashion could have as ladies wore all black to show their unity.
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These elegant and stylish all-black winter outfits are ideal for piping effortless sophistication.
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