May 1, 2019

A New Acronym to Compliment Women

Sydne Style reviews the madonna inn fleur de lis room in san luis obispo

In case you haven’t joined yet, I’ve been doing morning dog park chats over on my Instagram Stories. Every morning I head down to the dog park with Jack Jack and I chat about life. It’s my way of trying to open up more on social media about every day experiences (you can catch past chats on my highlights reel).

Last week, we chatted about strange DMs. Generally I love chatting with my #ssInstaFam in photo comments and direct messages. But I get the occasional odd ones. Case in point: someone called me a “MILF” and proceeded to ask me how old I was.

For those of you who don’t know, a “MILF” is an acronym for a “Mom I’d Like to F-word.” Even though I suppose it’s a compliment in some sorts, I was quite confused since I’m not a mother, unless you count being a dog mom.

About half of my #ssInstaFam agreed that the acronym is offensive. And a few people asked me what type of compliment I’d prefer. I thought about it when I was on a girls trip last weekend at The Madonna Inn. After talking it through with my girlfriends, I came up with an idea for a new acronym:


  • Pretty Smart Woman
  • Pretty Sexy Woman
  • Pretty Sophisticated Woman
  • Pretty Sweet Woman
  • Pretty Successful Woman
  • Pretty Strong Woman

As you see with the meanings we came up with for PSW, the compliment possibilities are endless. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be called a PSW over a MILF any day of the week. So let’s spread the word, and the positivity for PSWs everywhere.


Sydne Style shows fleur de lis room at the madonna inn with retro sofa
Photos by Farrah Aviva


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  1. Keith Wilson commented:

    You are sexy as hell and I would like to fuc

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  2. Marta commented:

    I’m definitely gonna start using PSW, we really need to get more complementary terms and words into our vocabulary when referring to women. I think it was a bit disrespectful that someone called a MILF, like you were a sexual object and men need to realize women are human beings, not objects for them to stick their penises into.

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    • Sydne commented:

      Couldn’t agree more!

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  3. Mike commented:

    You are indeed very beautiful, and obviously just as intelligent. I was raised to treat women with respect and as deserving equals. Imagine if women talked about men the same way men talk about women. There would be pitchforks in the street. Unfortunately the current climate of America seems to be regressive rather than progressive.

    I think I will go pour a glass of Chardonnay. Cheers to you, you PSW!

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    • Sydne commented:

      Cheers back!

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  4. Andrej ลฝo commented:

    Cougar is already invented word, isn’t it?

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  5. Ishaley Crosby-Liggens (QueenLay) commented:

    A very beautiful woman that i have a crush on

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