June 25, 2019

My New Fave Beach Towel is Only $14!

Sydne Style reviews the best beach towels from amazon

I was at the pool with my friend the other day and complimented her striped beach towel. I expected her to tell me it was from some fancy shop in LA but instead she replied, “thanks, I got it on Amazon for only $14!”. It didn’t feel cheap at all. It was super soft and lightweight. I was shocked!

Fast forward to a few days later when I was planning a shoot in Malibu. I wanted to set up a beach picnic to photograph my black one piece swimsuit. I asked my friend to borrow her striped beach towel and thankfully she gave me two different colors. After snapping a few pics on the pink one a wave crashed over me and soaked me, the picnic and the towel.

We finished the shoot on the blue striped beach towel (if you zoom in you can see the picnic basket is wet). But in a way, I’m happy for the beach mishap. It let me see just how fast the towel dries! The minute I got home I ordered a couple for myself… and washed my friend’s for her. Nobody likes a sandy towel.

Shop Beach Towels

Sydne Style reviews the best bamboo beach towels from amazon



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  1. Marta commented:

    It looks gorgeous and it seems perfect for the colder months too as a protective layer on leather couches or chairs to make them more cozy (my parents did it so now I have the habit of doing it too and it does make a difference in coziness)

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    • Sydne commented:

      Yes! I love that look as well!

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