May 26, 2009

A Natural Looking Tan in a Tub

clarinsSome people hit the tanning beds pre-vacay. I self tan. My sunless tanner obsession du jour is Clarins Delicious Self Tanning Cream. It comes in a tub rather than a bottle, which makes for more precise application because you can control how much you take at a time. At $42, it’s a little more expensive than others but the tub also allows you to scoop up every single last drop. And most importantly, it delivers natural looking color. Head over to my test drive on to for tips before you apply.


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1 Comment

  1. Self Tanning Queen commented:

    This is a great self-tanner! Clarins does a great job! I am a huge self tan advocate vs. using a tanning bed so always on the hunt for a great self-tanner!

    Have lots of tips and tricks for a great self-tanning experience at too!

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