Welcome to the third episode of my fitness series! I teamed up with Shannon Nadj of Hot Pilates to bring you easy to follow exercises to do at home. We made each workout video targeted to body parts that women struggle with. We’ve covered booty , muffin top and today is all about trouble up top.
In my 30s I started to notice back fat (gross!). With all the cool tops I wear I had to figure out how to get rid of them. Then there are arm wings, you know, that flab that women get under their arms? That had to go too. Shannon has been helping me get ride of them. So I wanted to share the exercises with you so you can do them at home. Let us know what you’d like to see next!
Make sports a part of your daily life. For training, you don’t have to go to the gym, you can train at home, read about weight loss programs here. Before your usual workout, take a short run: you will warm up and get rid of unwanted belly fat. Alternate between different types of training: once a week, do a 20-minute strength workout.
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Hello. I love your advice. I used to look for weight loss tips until I came across this unimeal app review. Here I learned about a great application that helps a person keep track of his diet. With this application, I threw off a couple of kilograms. I think you better go and see this review to better understand what I’m talking about. Wish you luck!
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Thanks for your advice. Now I know how to lose weight. And for me, it was very difficult. But now I am sure that I will succeed.
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For burning fat, the most important condition is proper nutrition. If you overeat, the process of fat loss will quickly stop, and even if you work hard in the gym, it will be more difficult to compensate for the extra calories received from food. I also advise you to add this tool, it will make your efforts https://www.amazon.in/Prorganiq-Supplement-L-Carnitine-Ayurvedic-Ingredients/dp/B0BMQPFD92 more efficient
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