May 1, 2018

A Happy Wellness Project for Mental Health Month

Sydne Style reviews the happiness equation for self help booksHappy May! This month is Mental Health Awareness month. Did you know that according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness that one in five Americans are affected by mental health condition? From anxiety to depression, I’ve certainly had my fair share. So for the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about changes I can make during Mental Health Month. Here is what I came up with:

Be Happy

I know, it sounds so simple. But I’m slowly learning that sometimes it takes work to be happy. I’ve been training my mind to find happiness through inspirational books and podcasts and keeping a daily gratitude journal. This month, I want to take it one step further. So I’m doing


Every day I’m going to take a picture of something that makes me happy and post it to my Insta Stories (I’m sure there will be a lot of photos of Bunny!). My goal is to stop and appreciate the small things in life, whether it’s a delicious latte or a beautiful flower I see on a walk. I’m hoping that watching these highlights will help remind me of how much I have to be grateful for in life… and increase happiness and mental health.

I’d love for you to join me in my Happy Month!
Just tag your happy moments #ssHappyMay and I’ll repost them every week on Insta Stories so we can all join the happy bandwagon.

My idea stemmed from a present my friend Jeannine gave me for my birthday. It’s a daily happiness journal that encourages you to end the day by writing one sentence of something that made you happy. I’ve been doing it for a month and when I look back at what I wrote, it brings me joy. It’s a five year journal (no that is not a typo; it’s seriously 5 years!), which seems daunting. But the one sentence makes it totally doable. It’s also filled with daily quotes. Here is one of my favorites:

“It’s about living in the moment and appreciating the smallest things. Surrounding yourself with the things that inspire you and letting go of the obsessions that want to take over your mind. It is a daily struggle sometimes and hard work but happiness begins with your own attitude and how you look at the world.”
― Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project

I also just finished The Happiness Equation, which my friend Kiara recommended. It’s very straight forward with easy exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine to encourage happiness. It’s also filled with a ton of inspiration quotes, which I’ve been jotting down in my journal.

“There is nothing more satisfying than being loved for who you are and nothing more painful than being loved for who you’re not but pretending to be.”
― Neil Pasricha, The Happiness Equation

For more inspiration on increasing happiness, feel free to revisit these posts:

Photos by Michelle Kyle

Shirt: Wildfox (similar)
Jeans: Joe’s (similar)
Book: The Happiness Equation
Journal: The Happiness Project
Candle: Votivo
Pillows: Michael Aram (on sale!), TargetRoom & Board
Nails: Essie “High Class Affair”


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  1. Natali commented:

    Amen Sydne! More self love and being present in the moment makes a world of difference from day to day life.

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    • Sydne Summer commented:

      Couldn’t agree more!

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  2. I’m all for happiness. I downloaded a daily gratiude app.

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    • Sydne Summer commented:

      I love that! What’s the app?

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  3. Elisabeth commented:

    We can only feel happy if nothing bothers us. Now any pain can be easily quenched in specialized clinics The main thing is to deal with the issue of your health in time

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  4. Amanda commented:

    Hello, Sydne!
    This is a great post, thank you for sharing with us. This makes me think about my health and how I treat it. Last month, my aunt was diagnosed with COPD, which greatly worsened her health. This is a terrible time for her and all her family, who are constantly helping her undergo various treatments at the startstemcells clinic so that she can get rid of these problems.

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  5. Carol commented:

    Great tips! If from the listed traits of a healthy person, you have found at least a couple in yourself and adhere to them, then everything will be fine and there are no reasons for strong concern yet. The main thing is to go further, without ceasing to improve, cognize and develop yourself. If there are no similarities, then it is better to seek help from specialists such as – , and to fully examine your body and your condition.

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  6. Elisabeth commented:

    If you have a heart disease, then do not take it lightly – immediately consult a cardiologist for advice to find out the severity of the situation. A cardiologist, one of the best specialists in Moscow, will prescribe treatment for you depending on the established diagnosis.

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  7. Denial commented:

    This is a great solution, thanks as always. I think that many nowadays suffer from various types of addiction including mental addiction due to drugs such as amphetamine, which are often misused. Thanks for this article!

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  8. Alex commented:

    I do like your point that we need to live in the moment. Sometimes when you ask people if they are happy, they start to think too much about something serious and CBD California material. On the other hand everything is much easier than it seems. People need to start to appreciate simple things.

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  9. Ben Perez commented:

    I follow the first tip, I try to be happy!

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  10. Isaias Turner commented:

    I love the idea with Instagram!

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  11. Jake T commented:

    Greetings! If we’re talking about cannabis oil right now, I feel you all need to study more about this cbd smoked right there. If you have any questions regarding them, please feel free to ask them right here, and I would be pleased to answer them. Best wishes. It can help you with many health problems.

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  12. Dylan Brown commented:

    Hey, I believe that I will be able to help you with this stuff right now so try to get more information about these Newrest Funeral Directors and their funeral service right there. I believe that these guys will be able to help with everything right there. I hope that they will resolve all your problems.

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  13. AMjzza commented:

    If you are interested in the centrolink system then go to their website and you will find all the information you need. It is a trusted site with a good reputation.

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  14. Katrine commented:

    wow its amazing

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  15. Adam commented:

    It is known that men with high levels of testosterone are prone to risk and quick decision-making, are able to think clearly and quickly assimilate information. This is an important component of the body, and you can always increase it with the help of tools such as this

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  16. Ben Foakes commented:

    Hi, why I feel pain in my body most of the time? I think my mental health is so good but not sure about physical health that what’s going on? Although, I’ve hired a chiropractor Edmonton last week but I think the process will be continued for about two to three months. IDK, why this happens? It can be due to no physical activity? What you say?

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  17. Benet Foakes commented:

    What if someone got injured in accident and can he cure his mental health? I think no, because it’s very tough to sustain yourself in this situation. One of my friend was in same situation and I recommended him physiotherapy Edmonton for a proper therapies sessions and mental health.

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  18. Danielle commented:

    What if someone got injured in accident and can he cure his mental health? I think no, because it’s very tough to sustain yourself in this situation. One of my friend was in same situation and I recommended him physiotherapy Edmonton for a proper therapies sessions and mental health.

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  19. Benet Foakes commented:

    No doubt on these points but you really don’t know when a sportsman get injury and how it feels on its mental health. Anyways, mental health is more important than all because sport injury can be cured by a sports physiotherapy but mental health can’t be cured easily and quickly.

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  20. John commented:

    Thank you! I’d like to express my deep gratitude for the support I received from my therapist at during a challenging period in my life. From our very first session, I felt a level of comfort and understanding that was entirely new to me. They established a secure environment where I could freely express my most profound emotions, and their compassionate and non-judgmental approach enabled me to open up in unexpected ways. With skillful guidance, they navigated me through the emotional highs and lows, providing practical tools and strategies that empowered me to regain a sense of control. Their insights were immensely valuable, offering me a clearer perspective and aiding me in making decisions that ultimately served my best interests.

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