December 29, 2009

New Year’s Resolution: Thinking Thru Fashion Staples

ThinkThruFashion 2010 New Year's Resolution

One year ago I made a New Year’s resolution to think thru fashion. Thus, a new blog was born. ThinkThruFashion kicked off with advice on shopping the sales, shopping your closet and shopping celebrity looks for less.

This year, I’m making the same resolution—only, my thought process is going to be a little different. Sure, I’ll still have the shopping element via my ttF Faves; I’ll cover celebrity style with One Item, Different Looks posts; and I’ll continue my extensive pictorial breakdown of runway trends from fashion week.

So what’s new?

The ttF Fashion Staples Series
Every month in 2010, I will create an outfit using 6 fashion staples. I will incorporate at least one of those staples into my outfit every day. And over the course of the month, I will wear each of those 6 items at least 6 different ways.

Everyone talks about fashion staples, the essential pieces all women need in their closet. There’s the cashmere sweater, a pair of black pumps, a white button down and of course, the LBD. When the recession hit, making the most out of these classics became more popular than ever. Society Stylist embarked on a 31-day Little Black Dress Experiment and Sheena Matheiken of The Uniform Project has pledged to wear the same dress for an entire year!

While both women’s remarkable styling skills are inspirational, the majority of you probably wouldn’t wear the same dress every single day in real life. That’s why I’m making ThinkThruFashion’s project more realistic.

Check back January 1 to see the first outfit of the ttF Fashion Staples Series—and have a fabulously stylish New Year’s!

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