I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend at home! I kicked off the weekend early with a Passover seder with my parents and the dogs. Then we celebrated Easter with a doggie easter egg hunt. It was so fun! My mom stuffed a zillion plastic Easter eggs with dog treats and we put them all over the backyard. Then the dogs opened them to eat the contents. Well, except for Jack Jack. He preferred chewing on his bunny ears (he’s always favored toys over treats).
I, on the other hand, am all about Easter treats. After making my family Easter deviled eggs, I made Peeps s’mores. They are beyond delicious! I thought about getting fancy with an Easter skillet creation. But instead, I just microwaved Peeps on graham crackers for 8 seconds, and then added a piece of chocolate underneath and microwaved for an additional five seconds. So easy and so good!
Aside from Spring holiday related things, here are other items I’ve been loving recently…
#1: vintage scrabble
Today is National Scrabble Day. My family and I plan on breaking out our vintage Scrabble board (my mom still has her parent’s original board game!). At my home, I have a regular version. But I really want this book vintage edition of Scrabble. It’s part of Winning Solutions Game Company’s line of board games that come in boxes that look like vintage books. Ever since I featured one in my holiday gift guide I’ve wanted to collect them all!
Confession: I’ve been checking this loungewear link every week to see if there are new sets in my size. I know, I have quite the addiction. My most recent loungewear set purchase is the knit sweater and joggers I’m wearing above. I think the pants would work better on someone taller (I’m only 5’3 and they have a lot of fabric for me). But they’re comfy nonetheless and I’m all about the neutral beige color.
Aside from loungewear, I’ve been living in statement earrings the past month. They’re the perfect way to instantly dress up my sweaters for zoom meetings. The gold link earrings I’ve been wearing a ton just went on sale. They also come in silver, rose gold and a more brassy vintage gold.
Another item that just went on sale that I’ve been wearing non-stop? This white v-neck tee. I’ve been a fan of the brand for years because their fabric is so insanely soft. It’s been especially nice to have extra soft fabric on my skin when my mood has been all over the place. The tee also comes in black.
I was planning to wait to watch Schitt’s Creek Season 6 until it came out on Netflix. But I finally caved yesterday and bought it on Apple TV. I watched four episodes back-to-back. And after I finish writing this post, I plan on binging on the rest of the season. I can’t believe it’s the series finale. I’m going to miss each character so much! Fingers crossed they make a movie soon.
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Greggorz commented:
Oh, I also had this board game where you had to make words out of letters. It can get bored pretty quickly, so I was a little disappointed in this game. Now I like computer games more, especially if it’s a mind game, which helps to train logic and intelligence. For example, I love to play mahjong when I want to pass the time.
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Amanda Whitemore commented:
Oh, there are a lot of things that i personally love you know. Like recently discovered that i’m a gamer and started to explore vasts worlds of videogaming. I’m impressed. I also aware of blockchain games as i’ve Read more at Play To Earn and for me it is interesting how everything works there. I also heard that there are a good rewards for those who create these games, but for me developing is kinda hard, so i keep on playing
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What could be better than such interesting board games with the family? This is a very valuable time together, you can find here https://diceygoblin.com/20-board-games-that-will-make-you-laugh/ even more options for cool games that will lift your mood
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Oh, I also had this board game where you had to make words out of letters. It can get bored pretty quickly, so I was a little disappointed in this game. Now I like computer games more, especially if it’s a mind game, which helps to train logic and intelligence. For example, I love to play mahjong when I want to pass the time.
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Oh, there are a lot of things that i personally love you know. Like recently discovered that i’m a gamer and started to explore vasts worlds of videogaming. I’m impressed. I also aware of blockchain games as i’ve Read more at Play To Earn and for me it is interesting how everything works there. I also heard that there are a good rewards for those who create these games, but for me developing is kinda hard, so i keep on playing
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