August 26, 2020

Celebrating National Dog Day with Pups & Face Masks

Happy National Dog Day! #NationalDogDay became a national holiday in 2004. It’s a holiday that celebrates all dogs of all breeds and encourages everyone to adopt not shop. I’ve always had rescue dogs. So I celebrate this holiday every day.

If you’re thinking of adopting, I found both Bunny and JJ on Petfinder. It’s such a great resource for finding a furbaby that works with your lifestyle, allowing you to give them the best forever home.

I asked Jack Jack what he wanted to do this year to celebrate National Dog Day. He said since he’s head of Mask Security in West Hollywood, he would like to enlist his furry friends to dress their moms in Sydne Summer face masks to promote safety. I told him we needed to shoot an example to show his friends. So he put on his yellow dog polo shirt and asked me to wear a matching yellow face mask. Whatever Jack Jack wants, Jack Jack gets!

Here are his pup friends and their moms…

I’ve been friends with Grasie for years. She was one of the OG bloggers when blogging first started. These days, you can find Grasie everywhere! She’s an actress, filmmaker, podcaster and an incredible dog mom. She rescued her sweet pup, Charlie, from The Labelle Foundation. JJ and I can’t wait to have a dog date with them soon!

Naty is one of my good friends in New York. I miss her! She has the best tips on solo travel and always inspires me with her life chats she posts on Instagram stories. Naty fell in love with her pup Kiko when her friend asked her to dog sit when he was just a puppy. Her father had just been diagnosed with cancer and she became so attached to Kiko that she asked her friend if she could keep him. Her friend said yes and Kiko has been her therapy dog every since.

Melanee isn’t just beautiful. She has the kindest heart in the world. She does so much for animals, including rescuing two pups from SEAACA. She first got Bodhi, pictured above. Then, during quarantine she fostered a puppy from the shelter. Obviously it was a foster fail and Milo is now part of the Wolfgang pack. He’s still a little camera shy, so he told JJ he’d model in the next dog feature.

Caroline is the queen of all things Los Angeles. Any time I need a recommendation for a new restaurant or shop I always turn to her (you can read her LA recs over on her blog). Her pup, Charlie, is half purebred Boston Terrier and half “Super Mutt,” or as Caroline likes to say, a classic LA rescue dog.

Ashley and I both worked at E! Entertainment together. We’ve been friends ever since. In addition to blogging, you can catch Ashley on TV as a lifestyle expert (she always recommends the best of the best!). Ashley has an adorable little boy, named Smith. But her first love is her rescue pup, Luella.

Luella, and Caroline’s pup, Charlie, came from the same rescue place as Jack Jack: Bark n’ Bitches. They unfortunately had to close down their shop, where they housed their pups. But they rescue dogs daily, and have a ton of dogs up for adoption. They’re always looking for fosters, as well. I actually initially fostered JJ before officially adopting them. Fostering is a great way to see if you and the dog are the right fit for each other. And hopefully, like with me and JJ and Melanee and Milo, it ends in a foster fail and you and the pup have a forever bond.

Sydne Style shares quotes about unconditional love from dogs

Happy National Dog Day from me & Jack Jack and all our friends!


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  1. Olivia commented:

    Great! When I took Chloe, she was nine and a half years old. I didn’t know that rescuing elderly dogs is a whole mission. I just wanted an older, calmer dog. The decision to take an elderly dog ​​completely turned my life around. I met a whole new community of friends both on social media and in real life. Recently I read an article about when to put a dog with a cruciate ligament rupture – Perhaps it will be useful

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  2. Veronika commented:

    Very nice! Dogs are social animals, which is why it is important for them to be in the company of people or their fellow humans. An equally important component of a happy and healthy pet is careful care for it and high-quality nutrition. At one time, we even took supplements, we found high-quality ones here

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  3. My dog helped me pass some of the most difficult situations I had in my life.

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  4. Joyce Divine commented:

    Celebrating National Dog Day is such a wonderful occasion to honor our loyal and loving canine companions. These furry friends bring joy and unconditional love into our lives. To make this day even more special, I gifted my beloved an esa vest dog from It’s a perfect way to show appreciation for their support and to ensure their comfort and well-being as they continue to be an important part of our family. Happy National Dog Day!

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