I hope you had a great weekend! I worked a ton but I love my job so it was super fun. I spent all day Saturday shooting with my photographer, Mun. We’ve mostly been shooting masks and mask necklaces recently for my Sydne Summer collection and Instagram page. But this weekend we took a break and just got creative. I can’t wait to show you all the photos we came up with! One photo shoot we created was this mirror image. Elizabeth Arden teamed up with I Am a Voter and sent over their red lipstick to talk about the partnership. I was inspired to create my own messaging about the importance of voting. If you’re not sure if you’re registered to vote, you can easily check here to make sure you can vote come November.
#1: voting lip
I’ve used Elizabeth Arden’s classic red lip color many times over the years. But I never knew the history. In 1912, Elizabeth Arden marched down Fifth Avenue in NYC handing out the lipstick to suffragettes to show support for women’s rights. How cool is that?
Today, the company still carries the message of the importance of getting your voice heard with their partnership of I Am a Voter. That’s definitely a message (and a lip color!) I can get behind.
My style has definitely become much more casual since we went into lockdown back in March. But I still love making a statement, especially up top. That’s why I’m obsessed with this tee. It’s just as comfy as your normal t-shirt. But thanks to the hand-painted, puff sleeves, it makes a major statement on your Zoom calls.
Even though I wear SPF daily, I know I’ve been in the sun a little too much recently. Whenever I’m starting to feel like my face has gotten too much sun, I load up on products infused with vitamin C. I usually prefer serums and oils over creams. And I love how lightweight this serum feels on my skin. Plus, it’s collagen protecting, which is much needed in my 30s.
Talk about relatable! I don’t know about you, but all my friends and I have had “that one.” Not that one you want to marry. That one man who you knew was wrong but you spent way too many months (or years!) thinking it might work out. That’s Lucy’s story when she meets bad boy Stephen in college, a relationship that continue to haunt her way past graduation. I love how the book alternates between both character’s voices, even though Stephen’s inner thoughts constantly made me cringe.
I always love discovering new artists on Instagram. When Leslie Singer DMed me to ask if you could use some of my blog posts as inspo for her new paintings I was flattered! I immediately looked at her portfolio online and was so impressed with her work. The texture in her paintings is remarkable. I was even more impressed when she showed me the final painting she created from this blog post. I shared a photo of it below…
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Sydne commented:
Thanks so much!
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Love the tee!
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Thanks so much!
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