October 21, 2019

5 Things I’m Loving Right Now // No. 6

Sydne Style shows the best pink coats for fall in white house black market blush coat

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. I’m still resting but managed to get out a little bit and enjoy the weather. Speaking of weather, I’m starting to think about coats for my upcoming trip to New York. I fell in love with this blush coat and can’t wait to wear it in cooler weather! Here are other things I’m loving right now…


#1: pink coats

I had a pink coat years ago that I wore to threads. I was looking for a new one for a while and finally found one in this blush coat. I like that the color is more of a dusty rose then a cotton candy pink, so it goes with both black and brown. Plus, it comes in petite sizes, which means I don’t have to tailor the sleeves.

The neckline also gives me a bit of a retro vibe, ala Mrs. Maisel. I can’t wait for the new season to come back. I have a feeling it’s going to make this list!

White House Black Market coat, $250

#2: soft skin

There are very few skincare products I use where I see instant results. But Dr. Lancer’s polish definitely makes the list. The exfoliator isn’t too harsh on my face and after just one use my skin is instantly softer. I use the polish every few days for a refresh.

Lancer Skincare exfoliator, $75

#3: SATC quiz

When it comes to which Sex and the City character are you, I’ve always considered myself a mix between Carrie and Charlotte. But apparently there is a new book coming out saying that we should all be Mirandas.

I don’t know if this is true since I have read the book. But I did enjoy taking the little flow chart quiz on Man Repeller to learn which Miranda I am. I wasn’t surprised to be a Miranda with a Carrie rising.

Take the quiz 

#4: a new tripod

I’ve been filming a lot more videos at home. Instead of propping my camera on a stack of books, I decided to get a tripod. I honestly haven’t used a tripod since I first started my blog and took my own photos on a self timer!

I didn’t want to spend too much money so after reading a ton of reviews on Amazon I settled on one of their basic tripods. It’s nothing fancy but I’ve been super happy with it so far. It even comes with a little bag, making it easy to bring to my friend’s house when she asks me to film for her, too.

Amazon tripod, $23.49

#5: fall foliage

There are so many reason I love living in Los Angeles. But fall foliage is certainly not one of them. I usually travel somewhere this time of year to experience the leaves changing somewhere that actually has seasons. But since I’m not supposed to travel yet from my injury, I’ve been relying on Instagram to get my fall foliage fix.

Whenever I think of gorgeous fall scenery, I always think of my friend Jess of Jess An Kirby. Living in New England, she showcases the best fall photos thanks to her husband’s amazing photography (he shot me once when I visited her hometown!). I can’t wait to keep watching what she posts as the leaves to continue to turn.

@jessankirby on Instagram





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